Friday, November 20, 2009

"Afterglow" - For Jason

Summer '09 - Cape Cod Sunset "Afterglow"
(please left double-click to read poem)

When Jason's G'ma passed away last July, it was not before she defined how she chose to be memorialized. Shunning the traditional Catholic wake and funeral, Nana chose to be remembered as she loved to live; more specifically, at the casinos, where she loved to gamble, eat, laugh and play with 60-year-husband, Al, and her friends.

Yesterday, the family obliged her by arranging for a beautiful, musical Mass. While "How Great Thou Art" was not quite up to Elvis's standards, I must say, it was exquisitely delivered; I found myself singing along.

Following this uplifting (no pun intended) send-off to Heaven's gates, everyone was invited to lunch. Where? Why, at the track, of course... home to the casino. Fantastic! I must say, everyone enjoyed her echo of laughter.

Now, not to think for one moment that this woman lived frivolously. She raised Jason, who is an astounding human being. He and my Brian became good friends at a very young age, over a quarter of a century ago. He quickly became an extended family member to us. There are lots of stories to tell; but for now, suffice it to say that Cecile and Al did a helluva job. We are smiling and hoping that she'll rest in peace, her wishes fulfilled.