Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Sacrificial Candy 'n' Lent - Part I

Chicka And Choice Of Candy
The festivities of Mardi Gras quickly blend into Lent. My Catholic half likes to observe. I cannot do so without recalling childhood sacrifices that I clearly did not understand, way back when. Gran was designated Resident In Charge, as she was truly the only one practicing the religion in a tangible way. The object was to abstain from enjoying something you loved for forty weekdays prior to Easter. Thus began the practice of sacrificing sweet pleasures.

As I and scores of boomers grew older, candy remained the obvious Christian choice, though it became more self-serving than sacrificial for many, including myself. Refrain from eating candy and you just might lose some winter poundage; bathing-suit season is right around the corner. How did the practice make me more spiritual, as is the intent of abstinence? It didn't. Not to worry, though... spirituality came to me, but clearly not because of chocolate deprivation. That's for another day. For today, I'm thinking, "How can I connect to this special season of awakening in a better way?"
I have an idea... to be continued.