My pal 'cross the pond and I have been playing for years. I think we're both "normal," but what else can I say… a rhetorical question. We don't cheat. We're fairly intelligent. We battle on the virtual board. And we come up with great words, occasionally testing a combo that works. We've "known" each other and our respective families for years. I love his (link) Grandad. He likes my blog, for which I thank him. Here's to us!! And here's to a great young guy who plays a mean guitar and sings a glorious tune. But then there are the crazies, always mixed into the playlist…
Late last night, I was playing a woman who was so obviously using an app to find words. She must have felt guilty, 'cause after she put an unheard-of concoction of letters on the board, she then suggested what I might do with it if I had a certain letter. Amusing. I resigned after she offered me a virtual toast of wine. Hmmm, maybe it's the combo of wine + app that I found my chuckle in.
Then, there's this new guy from the midwest who has to chat after every play. What is that? Where am I from? Where he's from. What kind of dog is Mambo (my profile pic)? What breeds he's had over his lifetime. Are we ready for Christmas? Haha, oh yes, but first we're doing Chanukah. Hey, you've gotta keep a tad of mystery about yourself, right??
But the normal types make it all worthwhile. There's the granny from down south who also has a Fabulous Five brood of GrandLoves - three girls and two boys, just like us - and almost the same ages. We commiserate over our insomnia, often finding each other online at absurd hours of the night.
Last but certainly not least is my gal pal with the name that rhymes with Andy's. She's young and beautiful and has a handsome husband and two gorgeous girls. For years now, we've been sharing boatloads about family values and just what's important in life - when we're not playing WORDS, that is. :-)
Please give Grandad a holiday hug from me, Andy!!