Saturday, April 13, 2013

An Anniversary Of Sorts

On our way to a West Point wedding, circa 1995
The Weeping Crabapple Tree in this photo has a long history, here on Stacey. One bitter cold winter's night, we returned home after a great dinner with friends to find it uprooted, unable to stand under the weight of heavy snow. A neighbor came to its rescue, the following morning. Employing his tow truck and winch, he righted the tree and helped to stake it. It remained as such for a couple of years, till its roots strengthened. Each Spring, we await its gorgeous pink blossoms. 
And so it goes and so it goes... there's an analogy to be made.

It's a month, today, that Joe experienced the frightening heart attack that put him out of commission for a while. But by the grace of G-d and good docs, we joyfully await this year's flowers. We've a very long history together, and just the thought of what could have transpired sends shivers through my spine. I am so very grateful to be...

Giving Thanks.