Thursday, November 19, 2015

Shorter Days 'n' Longer Nights

Let's be real - the shortage of late-fall-through-winter daylight sucks. Period. It's pitch black outside when we look at the clock at about 5:00 PM. Ugh. TV definitely gets a good workout, this time of year. And I'm pleased to say that finally - FINALLY - Joe has broken his reality-TV habit. "Dancing With The Stars," "The Voice," and soon "American Idol." History. Now, we're into Netflix, with an occasional On Demand movie. Thank Goodness. I can actually foresee the day when cable will not be necessary, thanks to an inexpensive Netflix subscription that can be shared with four others. Yes, that's five users per one member's registration.
Trending here were "Revenge," a show we initially disliked. It was not made for Netflix, but rather the network; it took some getting used to. Pure soap opera. Yet we were hooked enough to watch all four seasons, commercial free in this venue, to see who won the vicious game of getting even. Besides, who could resist its setting in the Hamptons, clearly Long Island's finest offering. Then…

There was a quickie, "Happy Valley," the first season by the BBC. Excellent. Tough to understand a few Yorkshire accents, but we managed and look forward to Season 2. Complex characters with even more complex relationships define this one.

Then came a movie, "The Gift," this one On Demand. It's a psychological thriller with an outstanding message about bullying, something that destroys lives.

Now, we've begun "The Killing." Made for Netflix, it is fabulous. Horrific AND fabulous, that is. Four seasons should take us a while to consume, but there you have it…
All recommended by Joe et moi and making it extremely difficult to watch touted hour-long shows on network TV that actually time in at forty minutes, allowing for ads.

Happy Viewing!