Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Etan, Adam, Caylee, Leiby and All Children Lost...

It will never be safe for our children. Never. Happenstance. An eerie story about little Leiby. Unthinkable. Unimaginable. Unspeakable.
I remember Etan's disappearance, as though it was yesterday. My boys were one-digit numbers, still, when he vanished on Joe's birthday, thirty-two years ago. Our
neighbor's daughter and son-in-law lived in the same building as the Patz family; they'd been long-time friends. Today, comparisons are being made between the two cases. A million reasons to never forget. But in reality, just the thought of such tragedy is enough to etch lifelong fear in one's brain. Is there a parent or grandparent who is not shuddering, tonight? 

Etan... Adam... Caylee... Leiby are names forever in my prayers. I have such sympathy for the families and I cannot stop thinking about the innocence of all 
beautiful children lost.