Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Very Idle IDOL Chatter-First Night

Ah, Joe and I were like little kids last night, in our excitement to have "Idol" back in our living room. Thing is, two of our Gorgeous Grands slept over; just try getting them to sleep by eight. I think not.
Whatever! We caught bits and pieces of the show, as did the Grands on their gazillion trips from upstairs to down. For me, it was a long enough time to catch a glimpse of a fave; doesn't take long! We'll see how far this one goes.

We couldn't watch till baths were taken (make that "given"), dinner was devoured, and "our" second-grade homework was completed - this a task vaguely reminiscent of our young parenting days. Those times sure did escape us way too quickly; of this, I am sure. Time does fly when you're havin' fun!

One more thought here: We're not so sure about the latest DS games. Where, exactly, does a normally rambunctious little pre-K-kid "go", when lost in the depths of whatever it is he's doing?
"Earth to Gav... Earth to Gav."